Sales Brochure
Torpedo Brochure 11.26.2014
Great Plains Torpedo and LiquiShift Brochure 8.6.2015
Product Manual
396-3264Y1 QuikChek Troubleshooting Guide for Torpedo NH3 System
396-2786Y1 Torpedo NH3 System for Raven 440-450 Controllers - 05.13.2022
396-2850Y1 SurePoint Torpedo NH3 for John Deere - 01.24.2023
396-3820Y1 SurePoint Torpedo NH3 for JDRC 2000 - 01.24.2023
396-3822Y1 NH3 Torpedo and Raven RCM Manual - 08.18.2023
Installation Instructions
396-3659Y1 - Case 5310 8 Row Torpedo Mounting Instruction Sheet - 05.04.2022
396-2895Y1 - John Deere 2410C Torpedo Mounting Instructions - 05.13.2022
396-2824Y1 Great Plains NutriPro Torpedo Mount - 05.04.2022
396-2856Y1 - Amity Air Seeder Torpedo Mounting Bracket Kits - 06.01.2022
396-6554Y1 - NH3 Torpedo Update Instructions For Torpedo with Zip Vapor Valve - 3.6.2024
396-5565Y1 - Torpedo Mounting Bracket for Orthman Dry Cart - Installation Instructions - 5.26.2022
396-3271Y1 - Case 5310 16R30 Torpedo Mounting Kits - 04.27.2022
396-5578Y1 - NH3 Adjustable Orifice Valve Strainer Kit Instructions - 5.27.2022
396-3048Y1 - Orthman 1tRIPr Torpedo Mounting Instructions - 04.27.2022
Quick Start Guides
396-3566Y1 QuickStart Setup for JDRC 2000 and NH3 plus One - 06.22.2022
396-3790Y1 QuickStart Setup for Raven RCM and NH3 with one Liquid - 04.27.2022